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Female Fans Allowed into Stadium

June 14, 2019
1 min read
Female Fans Allowed into Stadium
Female Fans Allowed into Stadium
Female Fans Allowed into Stadium
Female Fans Allowed into Stadium
Female Fans Allowed into Stadium
Female Fans Allowed into Stadium
Female Fans Allowed into Stadium
Female Fans Allowed into Stadium
Female Fans Allowed into Stadium
Female Fans Allowed into Stadium
Female Fans Allowed into Stadium
Female Fans Allowed into Stadium
Female Fans Allowed into Stadium
Female Fans Allowed into Stadium
Female Fans Allowed into Stadium

Iranian female volleyball fans have been allowed to watch their national team play against Canada after the International Volleyball Federation presented Iran with an ultimatum, stating that if it did not allow women spectators to attend games in stadiums, it would be barred from competing internationally. 

Iran continues to face pressure from sporting federations and bodies around the world after decades of ignoring international rules, including the Olympic Charter, which states that female athletes and spectators should enjoy equal rights and never be subject to discrimination —  including bans on attending stadiums. 

The doors to the stadium in Urmia in West Azerbaijan province were open to female fans two hours before the game began at 6.30pm local time. For many female fans, it was the first time they had been allowed to watch and cheer on their team live.






2009: The Families Have Not Forgotten

June 13, 2019
Shahed Alavi
8 min read
2009: The Families Have Not Forgotten