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Images of Iran

Winter Fun in Hamedan

December 9, 2015
Winter Fun in Hamedan
Winter Fun in Hamedan
Winter Fun in Hamedan
Winter Fun in Hamedan
Winter Fun in Hamedan
Winter Fun in Hamedan
Winter Fun in Hamedan
Winter Fun in Hamedan
Winter Fun in Hamedan
Winter Fun in Hamedan
Winter Fun in Hamedan
Winter Fun in Hamedan
Winter Fun in Hamedan
Winter Fun in Hamedan
Winter Fun in Hamedan
Winter Fun in Hamedan
Winter Fun in Hamedan

The city of Hamedan in northwest Iran has become a key attraction for those interested in winter sports. People flock from all over the country to enjoy the skiing. And for non-skiiers, there is inner-tubing and the incredible snowy scenic views.   

Mehr News agency 


Speaking of Iran

An Iranian Doctor Followed The SWAT Team Into The San Bernardino Shooting To Save Lives

December 9, 2015
Speaking of Iran
An Iranian Doctor Followed The SWAT Team Into The San Bernardino Shooting To Save Lives