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Armenians in Tehran Celebrate the Return of the Holy Cross

September 13, 2021
Photo Blog
Armenians in Tehran Celebrate the Return of the Holy Cross
Armenians in Tehran Celebrate the Return of the Holy Cross
Armenians in Tehran Celebrate the Return of the Holy Cross
Armenians in Tehran Celebrate the Return of the Holy Cross
Armenians in Tehran Celebrate the Return of the Holy Cross
Armenians in Tehran Celebrate the Return of the Holy Cross
Armenians in Tehran Celebrate the Return of the Holy Cross
Armenians in Tehran Celebrate the Return of the Holy Cross
Armenians in Tehran Celebrate the Return of the Holy Cross

On Sunday, September 12, Armenians in Iran celebrated the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, one of the five tabernacle feasts celebrated by the Armenian Orthodox Church, and marking the return of the cross to Jerusalem after being in Persian possession.

The holiday rituals were marked in Tehran’s Saint Sarkis Orthodox Church by Archbishop Sebou Sarkisian in accordance with coronavirus pandemic health protocols. The church was designed by architect Eugene Aftandelians and was built in 1970, made possible through donations from Iranian Armenian philanthropist Markar Sarkisian.

Photos: Juana Abdian and Zhenya Abdian for IRNA News Agency



As Football Fans Return to Stadiums, FIFA Demands Iran Welcome Women

September 10, 2021
Payam Younesipour
6 min read
As Football Fans Return to Stadiums, FIFA Demands Iran Welcome Women