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Iran Considering Retaliatory Strike Against Israel in 48 Hours: Report

April 12, 2024
1 min read
In the aftermath of a deadly airstrike in Syria that claimed the lives of two Iranian generals, Iran is considering a retaliatory strike against Israel within the next 48 hours, the Wall Street Journal reported
In the aftermath of a deadly airstrike in Syria that claimed the lives of two Iranian generals, Iran is considering a retaliatory strike against Israel within the next 48 hours, the Wall Street Journal reported

In the aftermath of a deadly airstrike in Syria that claimed the lives of two Iranian generals, Iran is considering a retaliatory strike against Israel within the next 48 hours, the Wall Street Journal reported.

The suspected Israeli attack on a diplomatic facility in Damascus has escalated tensions between the two countries

Making public threats against Israel, Iran has pledged to retaliate for the attack last week.

A source familiar with discussions within Iranian leadership disclosed to the Wall Street Journal that while plans for a retaliatory strike are under consideration, a final decision has not been reached.

An adviser to Iran's Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei, told the outlet that the decision-making process involves assessing the political ramifications. 

"The strike plans are on the Supreme Leader's desk, and he is still evaluating the political risk," the adviser said.

The April 1 strike, widely attributed to Israel, targeted Iran's consulate building in Damascus, resulting in the deaths of seven Revolutionary Guards, including the two senior generals. 

In response, Khamenei issued a stern warning on Wednesday, declaring that Israel "must be punished and will be punished." 

Responding promptly to the escalating tensions, Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz took to social media, asserting Israel's preparedness to defend itself. "If Iran launches an attack from its territory, Israel will respond and retaliate against Iran," Katz said on X.

General Michael Erik Kurilla, the commander of US Central Command responsible for military operations in the Middle East, reportedly visited Israel on Thursday, according to defense officials

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu also spoke from an air base in southern Israel on Thursday and made a firm pledge to retaliate directly against any attack on Israel.

"Whoever harms us, we will harm them. We are prepared to meet all of the security needs of the State of Israel, both defensively and offensively," Netanyahu stated.



27-Year-Old Executed in Iran, Denied Family Visit

April 12, 2024
27-Year-Old Executed in Iran, Denied Family Visit