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Iran Records 1,559 Work-Related Fatalities in Nine Months

May 14, 2024
The head of the Center, Mahmoud Khodadoost, identified falls from heights, blunt force trauma, and electrocution as the leading causes of death
The head of the Center, Mahmoud Khodadoost, identified falls from heights, blunt force trauma, and electrocution as the leading causes of death

At least 1,559 people have died from work-related accidents in the past nine months in Iran, according to a report released by the Forensic Research Center.

The head of the center, Mahmoud Khodadoost, identified falls from heights, blunt force trauma, and electrocution as the leading causes of death.

The report also highlighted a significant regional disparity in work-related deaths. 

Tehran province recorded the highest number of casualties, with 360 deaths.

Khodadoost raised further concern by pointing to an increase in work accident deaths during December.



Former Iranian Agriculture Minister Sentenced to Prison for Corruption

May 14, 2024
1 min read
Former Iranian Agriculture Minister Sentenced to Prison for Corruption