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Iranian Border Forces Kill Young Kolbar Amid Rising Violence

May 16, 2024
1 min read
HRANA, a human rights website, identified this victim as Vahed Qadirpour, a resident of one of Saqqez's villages
HRANA, a human rights website, identified this victim as Vahed Qadirpour, a resident of one of Saqqez's villages

Border forces of the Islamic Republic shot dead a young kolbar in western Kurdistan amid an escalation of violence against the transborder porters. 

HRANA, a human rights website, identified this victim as Vahed Qadirpour, a resident of one of Saqqez's villages.

According to their reports, Qadirpour is the third kolbar shot by border guards in the past two weeks at the Hengejal border crossing.

According to the Kolbar News website, a total of 85 kolbars lost their lives while transporting goods in the western provinces of West Azerbaijan, Kurdistan, and Kermanshah between March and September 2023. 

Causes of their deaths include direct fire by military forces, blizzards, cold weather, and falls from mountains and heights.



Public Discontent in Iran Over Soaring Inflation, Corruption

May 16, 2024
1 min read
Public Discontent in Iran Over Soaring Inflation, Corruption