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Iranian Female Students Wounded After Rubber Bullets Fired At Protesters

November 11, 2022
Akhtar Safi
1 min read
Students at the Kerman University of Medical Sciences have joined nationwide protests triggered by the September death of a 22-year-old woman in the custody of morality police.
Students at the Kerman University of Medical Sciences have joined nationwide protests triggered by the September death of a 22-year-old woman in the custody of morality police.

At least three female students were reportedly wounded by rubber bullets when security forces cracked down on an anti-government protest in the Iranian city of Kerman.

Protesting students were gathered in the streets around a dormitory of the Kerman University of Medical Sciences on November 11 when the rally turned violent, the United Students Telegram channel reported.

A number of protesters then entered an alley leading to the dormitory, it said. Plainclothes security forces fired tear gas and rubber bullets into the alley and toward the dormitory, which had its windows smashed.

The three injured women were said to be returning from a sports club. They were transferred to a nearby hospital.

Young men and women, including university students, have been at the forefront of the protest movement that has convulsed Iran for weeks, staging sit-ins at numerous universities across the country.

They demand the unconditional release of all arrested students, the prohibition of arrest warrants for the released students, the lifting of recent academic suspensions and the withdrawal of the security forces from campuses. 

Security forces unleashed a fierce crackdown on the mainly peaceful protest movement, arresting several thousand people, subjecting detainees to various forms of physical and psychological torture, and killing more than 300 other people. Dozens of security forces have also been killed, according to state media.


Journalism is not a Crime

Inside The Iranian Regime’s Propaganda Machine

November 11, 2022
Ehsan Mehrabi
9 min read
Inside The Iranian Regime’s Propaganda Machine