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Society & Culture

Going to Iran? Don’t miss the Top 10 Destinations: Kerman

December 1, 2015
Mansoureh Farahani
1 min read
Going to Iran? Don’t miss the Top 10 Destinations: Kerman
Going to Iran? Don’t miss the Top 10 Destinations: Kerman


Kerman, the most important city in southeastern Iran, was founded in the third century A.D By Ardeshir I.

Popular attractions in the city include the Kerman Grand Bazaar, the Great Jameh Mosque, Ganj-Ali-Khan Hamam and Museum, Jabalia Domes and the Tomb of the great Sufi leader Shah Nematollah Vali. Arg-e Bam (Citadel of Bam), a fortified medieval town, is not far from the city, and is a key destination for day-trippers.

Jonny Bailar, Northern Ireland, says “Kerman is never going to be the most obvious Iranian city you visit. But that’s not to say you should leave it off your itinerary. While a lot of people use Kerman as a gateway to the desert or en route to Pakistan, others find solace in the variety of sights around the city. You can walk yourself around the city center area easily, but organizing a local driver for cheap to take you to a few sights further out is recommended. We paid 70,000 rials (just over $2) for a driver to take us on a tour.”


Going to Iran? Don’t miss the Top 10 Destinations


Society & Culture

Going to Iran? Don’t miss the Top 10 Destinations: Tehran

December 1, 2015
Mansoureh Farahani
3 min read
Going to Iran? Don’t miss the Top 10 Destinations: Tehran