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Speaking of Iran

Activists in Iran Pen Open Letter to Americans on Nuclear Deal

September 16, 2015
Speaking of Iran
Activists in Iran Pen Open Letter to Americans on Nuclear Deal
Activists in Iran Pen Open Letter to Americans on Nuclear Deal



More than 50 prominent Iranian dissidents, political reformers and other civil society activists have written an open letter to the people of the United States, urging them to lobby members of Congress to support the Iran nuclear deal.

The signatories to the letter, published Monday, include former members of Iran's parliament, prominent university professors and a renowned filmmaker. Their public statement could put them at even greater risk for attacks by hard-liners in Iran who do not support the deal.


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Images of Iran

Anti-French Rally as Foreign Minister Lands in Tehran

September 16, 2015
1 min read
Anti-French Rally as Foreign Minister Lands in Tehran