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Shotguns and Tear Gas at the Siege of Sharif University

October 2, 2022
Videos and reports surfacing on social media show that Sharif University in Tehran has been surrounded by security forces who have laid siege to the campus
Videos and reports surfacing on social media show that Sharif University in Tehran has been surrounded by security forces who have laid siege to the campus

Videos and reports surfacing on social media show that Sharif University in Tehran has been surrounded by security forces who have laid siege to the campus. The social media channels of Tehran University Students said that plainclothes officers appeared at the university, who shot at students with shotguns and plastic bullets, and arrested at least a hundred Sharif students and professors.

The reports said that students and professors were also beaten in clashes. Eyewitnesses said students were being shot at from one side while tear gas was fired at them from behind. One of the videos shows fighting between the plainclothes officers and students in the parking lot of Sharif University.

Pictures have also been published showing the presence of the Minister of Science, Mohammad Ali Zulfigol, at the university.



"Dwarf Breeding": How Iran's Riot Police are Trained to Suppress Protests

October 2, 2022
Behnam Gholipour
4 min read
"Dwarf Breeding": How Iran's Riot Police are Trained to Suppress Protests