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Images of Iran

The Highlight of Eid

July 29, 2014
The Highlight of Eid
The Highlight of Eid
The Highlight of Eid
The Highlight of Eid
As Ramadan drew to a close, Ayatollah Khamenei led prayers at a ceremony in Tehran. But for many, the highlight of the holy day was not the Supreme Leader; instead, they were entranced by two young children. The boys, thought to be two of Khamenei’s grandchildren, are pictured enjoying a moment of frivolity during Khamenei's prayers— in one photograph, a little boy is seen pointing at the leader with a smile on his face. Several official news websites in Iran published the photographs, but removed them a few hours later without explanation.


Speaking of Iran

Meet My Friend Imprisoned in Iran

July 29, 2014
Speaking of Iran
Meet My Friend Imprisoned in Iran