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Images of Iran

It’s not a political party — but this campaign warns people not to vote for “BBC Persian candidates”

February 23, 2016
It’s not a political party — but this campaign warns people not to vote for “BBC Persian candidates”
It’s not a political party — but this campaign warns people not to vote for “BBC Persian candidates”
It’s not a political party — but this campaign warns people not to vote for “BBC Persian candidates”
It’s not a political party — but this campaign warns people not to vote for “BBC Persian candidates”
It’s not a political party — but this campaign warns people not to vote for “BBC Persian candidates”
It’s not a political party — but this campaign warns people not to vote for “BBC Persian candidates”
It’s not a political party — but this campaign warns people not to vote for “BBC Persian candidates”
It’s not a political party — but this campaign warns people not to vote for “BBC Persian candidates”
It’s not a political party — but this campaign warns people not to vote for “BBC Persian candidates”
It’s not a political party — but this campaign warns people not to vote for “BBC Persian candidates”
It’s not a political party — but this campaign warns people not to vote for “BBC Persian candidates”
It’s not a political party — but this campaign warns people not to vote for “BBC Persian candidates”
It’s not a political party — but this campaign warns people not to vote for “BBC Persian candidates”
It’s not a political party — but this campaign warns people not to vote for “BBC Persian candidates”
It’s not a political party — but this campaign warns people not to vote for “BBC Persian candidates”
It’s not a political party — but this campaign warns people not to vote for “BBC Persian candidates”
It’s not a political party — but this campaign warns people not to vote for “BBC Persian candidates”

With parliamentary elections just two days away, voters in Ilam city near the Iran-Iraq border have started a campaign against so-called “BBC Persian candidates". The website Mashregh News published photographs of men around the city — from market vendors to religious students — holding up signs saying they would not support any candidate that had been “promoted” by the BBC, which is reviled by Iranian state media. In the run-up to elections, BBC Persian has reported on a range of candidates running for office, including hopefuls running for the reformist and moderate camps.



Society & Culture

Metal, Mullahs and Muzzling: Why is Music a Crime in Iran?

February 23, 2016
Natasha Schmidt
6 min read
Metal, Mullahs and Muzzling: Why is Music a Crime in Iran?