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Iranian Labor Activist Esmaili to Serve 16 Months in Prison

October 31, 2023
1 min read
The Supreme Court of the Islamic Republic has upheld a 16-month prison sentence for Osman Esmaili, a prominent labor activist from the northwestern Iranian city of Saqqez
The Supreme Court of the Islamic Republic has upheld a 16-month prison sentence for Osman Esmaili, a prominent labor activist from the northwestern Iranian city of Saqqez

The Supreme Court of the Islamic Republic has upheld a 16-month prison sentence for Osman Esmaili, a prominent labor activist from the northwestern Iranian city of Saqqez.

According to the official notice received by Esmaili and seen by IranWire, he is required to present himself at the Second Branch of Saqqez Prosecutor's Office within the next 10 days. 

The activist faced charges including "membership” in the Komala Party of Iranian Kurdistan and "propaganda against the system” over his participation in the funeral ceremony of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini in Saqqez in September last year.

Amini’s death while in police custody in Tehran sparked months of nationwide protests that challenged the country’s clerical rule.

Authorities responded with a brutal crackdown in which more than 500 people were killed and over 22,000 others were unlawfully detained, according to activists.



Iran Lagging Behind in Power Generation

October 31, 2023
1 min read
Iran Lagging Behind in Power Generation