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Iran Executes Youth for Crime Committed at 16

May 23, 2024
1 min read
Iran Executes Youth for Crime Committed at 16

The Islamic Republic's authorities have executed a young man for an alleged murder he committed at the age of 16. 

On May 18, 2024, 20-year-old Ramin Sa'adat was executed at Miandoab Prison for a murder committed when he was 16 years and five months old, according to Kurdpa news agency. 

Sa'adat was arrested after a fatal altercation. He maintained throughout his trial that he had not delivered the deadly blows.

According to a report by Amnesty International, Iran has reached its highest level of death sentence execution in the last eight years, with the judiciary of the Islamic Republic executing 853 people in 2023 alone.

The report indicates that 481 executions, more than half of the total, were related to drug crimes. 

This marks an 89 percent increase in death penalties compared to 2022 when 255 people were executed for drug-related offenses, and a staggering 264 percent increase compared to 2021 when 132 individuals faced execution for similar charges.



Raisi’s Corrupt Rule of Imam Reza’s Religious/Commercial Conglomerate

May 23, 2024
Arezoo Karimi
5 min read
Raisi’s Corrupt Rule of Imam Reza’s Religious/Commercial Conglomerate