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US Concerned Over Attacks on Protesters by 'Iranian Regime Supporters'

May 29, 2024
1 min read
Social media footage from the event shows a man standing near a police officer, gesturing towards the crowd and making a throat-slashing motion, widely interpreted as a threat of beheading
Social media footage from the event shows a man standing near a police officer, gesturing towards the crowd and making a throat-slashing motion, widely interpreted as a threat of beheading

The United States has voiced concerns over reports of violent confrontations between supporters of the Islamic Republic and protesters demonstrating outside Iranian embassies and venues in recent days.

Tensions flared last Friday in London during a memorial ceremony for late President Ebrahim Raisi. 

A group of pro-Islamic Republic supporters attacked protesters gathered outside the venue, injuring four people.

According to reports, a similar event held in Washington DC the following day saw Iranian supporters threatening protesters with violence. 

Social media footage from the event shows a man standing near a police officer, gesturing towards the crowd and making a throat-slashing motion, widely interpreted as a threat of beheading.

"Concerned to see reports of Iranian regime supporters threatening and attacking peaceful protesters worldwide," the office of the US Special Envoy for Iran said in a tweet. 

"Freedoms of peaceful assembly and expression are essential human rights, and efforts to silence these voices are unacceptable," the tweet added.



Iran-Saudi Tensions Simmer as Six Iranian Journalists Expelled

May 29, 2024
1 min read
Iran-Saudi Tensions Simmer as Six Iranian Journalists Expelled