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Iran Charges Sister of Slain Protester for Defying Hijab Rules

May 30, 2024
1 min read
Her sister, Nika Shakarami, a teenage girl who lost her life during the 2022 protests, was sexually assaulted before she was killed by security officers, according to a report last month
Her sister, Nika Shakarami, a teenage girl who lost her life during the 2022 protests, was sexually assaulted before she was killed by security officers, according to a report last month

Aida Shakarami, the sister of the deceased protester Nika Shakarami, has been charged with "inciting immorality and indecency" and "disobedience to officers" in Tehran.

Her lawyer, Reza Shafakhah, confirmed that the Criminal Court of Tehran is handling the case, with the court session scheduled for June 24.

The charges stem from Aida's alleged involvement in activities deemed to contravene morality laws and her refusal to comply with law enforcement officers after she appeared without hijab. 

Tehran's Morality Police initially detained Aida and subsequently released her on bail from Shahr-e-Ray Prison on March 23 of this year.

Her sister, Nika Shakarami, a teenage girl who lost her life during the 2022 protests, was sexually assaulted before she was killed by security officers, according to a report last month.



Iran Plans 70 New Prisons by 2026, Allocates Over $19 Million

May 30, 2024
1 min read
Iran Plans 70 New Prisons by 2026, Allocates Over $19 Million