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Sweden Accuses Iran of Using Criminal Networks for Violent Acts

May 30, 2024
1 min read
The Swedish Security Service (SAPO) has accused Iran of using criminal networks within Sweden to carry out violent acts against other countries, groups, and individuals
The Swedish Security Service (SAPO) has accused Iran of using criminal networks within Sweden to carry out violent acts against other countries, groups, and individuals

The Swedish Security Service (SAPO) has accused Iran of using criminal networks within Sweden to carry out violent acts against other countries, groups, and individuals.

According to SAPO, Iranian targets have included dissident groups, the Iranian diaspora, and specifically, Israeli interests in Sweden.

"The Security Service can now confirm that criminal networks in Sweden are proxies that Iran uses," Daniel Stenling, Head of Counter-Intelligence at the Swedish Security Service, said.

"It is very much about planning and attempts to carry out attacks against Israeli and Jewish interests, goals and activities in Sweden," he said and added that the agency sees "connections between criminal individuals in the criminal networks and individuals who are connected to the Iranian security services."

The accusation comes amid heightened tensions following a suspected shooting near the Israeli embassy in Stockholm this May and the discovery of an explosive device there in January.

Swedish authorities have since increased security measures around Israeli and Jewish institutions.

Sweden's terrorism threat level remains at 4 on a scale of 5, a level it was raised to in 2023 after Quran burnings sparked outrage and jihadist threats.


Baha’is of Iran

Iranian Forces Raid Home, Arrest Two Baha'is

May 30, 2024
1 min read
Iranian Forces Raid Home, Arrest Two Baha'is