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Iran's Former Parliament Speaker Registers for Presidential Candidacy

May 31, 2024
1 min read
Ali Larijani, a former speaker of Iran's parliament, registered on Friday as a potential candidate in the Islamic Republic's upcoming presidential election
Ali Larijani, a former speaker of Iran's parliament, registered on Friday as a potential candidate in the Islamic Republic's upcoming presidential election

Ali Larijani, a former speaker of Iran's parliament, registered on Friday as a potential candidate in the Islamic Republic's upcoming presidential election.

The presidential election will be held on June 28 to fill the position left vacant by Ebrahim Raisi, who died in a helicopter crash this month.

Larijani and other prominent contenders against the late President Raisi were barred from participating in the 2021 election. 

The 66-year-old Larijani, considered a conservative within Iran's tightly controlled political landscape, has increasingly aligned himself with former President Hassan Rouhani. 

Rouhani's administration is best known for brokering a 2015 nuclear deal with a group of world powers.

Speaking to journalists, Larijani emphasized, "Solving the issue of sanctions for an economic opening will be among the priorities of diplomacy for Iran."

However, Larijani's candidacy, like all others, must pass the scrutiny of Iran's 12-member Guardian Council. 



Iranian Parliament Session Tense Over Controversial Candidates

May 30, 2024
1 min read
Iranian Parliament Session Tense Over Controversial Candidates