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Manual Voting Confirmed for Iran's Presidential Election

June 10, 2024
1 min read
Iran's upcoming presidential election will be conducted through manual voting rather than an electronic system, according to the head of the information technology committee of the election headquarters
Iran's upcoming presidential election will be conducted through manual voting rather than an electronic system, according to the head of the information technology committee of the election headquarters

Iran's upcoming presidential election will be conducted through manual voting rather than an electronic system, according to the head of the information technology committee of the election headquarters.

"The opinion of the Guardian Council is that electronic elections should not be held. Therefore, the presidential election will be held manually," said Amir Shoja'an.

"It is not difficult to count votes in this election," he added.

The statement contrasts with previous indications that there was capacity for full electronic voting.

Mohamad Taqi Shahcheraghi, the head of the country's election headquarters, had earlier told Tasnim news agency that there was the capability to conduct all-electronic voting nationwide.

Additionally, the Ministry of Interior had previously announced its readiness to implement all-electronic voting for major cities in the upcoming presidential election set for June 28.



Larijani, Ahmadinejad Disqualified from Iran's Presidential Race, Again

June 10, 2024
1 min read
Larijani, Ahmadinejad Disqualified from Iran's Presidential Race, Again