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Iranian Protester Takes Own Life Amid Security Forces Pressure

June 11, 2024
1 min read
Farhad Beigi Garrosi, a detainee of the 2022 protests, has taken his own life in Sahneh city of Kermanshah province
Farhad Beigi Garrosi, a detainee of the 2022 protests, has taken his own life in Sahneh city of Kermanshah province

Farhad Beigi Garrosi, a detainee of the 2022 protests, has taken his own life in Sahneh city of Kermanshah province.

According to the Hengaw Human Rights Organization, Garrosi committed suicide at his family home due to immense pressure from Iranian security forces.

The 21-year-old had recently been summoned to turn himself in prison in anticipation of a potential transfer to Tehran's notorious Evin prison.

Hengaw said that Garrosi had faced continuous harassment and intimidation by authorities for the past four months since his initial temporary release last winter on bail after over a year in custody.

He was first arrested in the fall of 2022 amid nationwide protests sparked by Mahsa Amini's death in morality police custody.

The Iranian judiciary accused Garrosi of "participation in murder" for his alleged role in the killing of Basij militia intelligence chief Nader Bayrami in Sahneh.

Another protester from the city, Reza Rasaei, has been sentenced to death on the same charge related to Bayrami's death and remains jailed in Kermanshah prison.



Disqualified Reformist Challenges Guardian Council's Decision

June 11, 2024
1 min read
Disqualified Reformist Challenges Guardian Council's Decision