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Iran's Election Campaigns Kick Off with TV Broadcasts

June 11, 2024
1 min read
Iran's Election Campaigns Kick Off with TV Broadcasts

Television campaigns for Iran's presidential election kicked off Monday evening with state TV broadcasts showing the campaigns of three candidates.

Reformist Masoud Pezeshkian, hardliner Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf, and conservative Amirhossein Ghazizadeh Hashemi were on state TV Monday night.

According to state TV's unannounced schedule, five debates between the candidates are planned during this election cycle.

But the first night put the spotlight only on Pezeshkian, Ghalibaf, and Ghazizadeh Hashemi delivering separate interviews.

Unlike past reformist candidates, Pezeshkian did not promise sweeping changes, instead emphasizing implementing existing laws and policies, especially on economic issues.

He cited enacting anti-money laundering reforms in line with Financial Action Task Force (FATF) standards as a priority.

"I don't care if we accept FATF or not, at least we should have a domestic FATF to understand where the money is going," Pezeshkian said.

However, some reformist figures like former lawmaker Mahmoud Sadeghi expressed disappointment in Pezeshkian's performance, warning he risks failing to energize the reformist base with such rhetoric.

On the conservative side, presidential candidate Ghalibaf, who currently leads the hardline camp along with Saeed Jalili, defended his record as Tehran mayor and police chief.

He vowed to combat corruption by downsizing the government's economic role.

Ghalibaf's tenure was marred by scandals, including the 2015 "Astronomical Properties" case where thousands of Tehran municipality assets were sold at major discounts under his watch.

This snap June 28 election was triggered by the death of Ebrahim Raisi in a helicopter crash last month.

Iran's presidential votes have had limited competition in recent years and seen rapidly declining turnout amid widespread dissatisfaction.



Pension Protest Leads to Arrest of Retired Teacher Mustafa Robati

June 11, 2024
1 min read
Pension Protest Leads to Arrest of Retired Teacher Mustafa Robati