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Ghalibaf's Media Complaint Denial Challenged by Lawyer and Journalists

June 14, 2024
1 min read
In the televised program, Ghalibaf said, "I have never filed a complaint to any media or person - the public prosecutor does it.
In the televised program, Ghalibaf said, "I have never filed a complaint to any media or person - the public prosecutor does it.

While presidential candidate Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf claimed on Thursday that he "never filed complaints against any media or journalist," pictures surfaced on social media showing he had filed complaints against several journalists and media activists during his speakership of the parliament.

In the televised program, Ghalibaf said, "I have never filed a complaint to any media or person - the public prosecutor does it."

However, his remarks were swiftly contradicted.

Lawyer Ali Mojtahedzadeh reacted on X, writing, "Mr Ghalibaf's account of his dealings with the media is not honest."

"In a case where I represented ... he had filed complaints against several journalists and media personally."

Imprisoned journalist Yashar Soltani also published an image of a complaint filed by Ghalibaf against him, emphasizing that Ghalibaf has been constantly filing complaints against him.

Saba Azarpeik, an imprisoned Iranian journalist, suffered a miscarriage and lost her two-month-old fetus after being taken from prison to the hospital due to heavy bleeding this week.

The 42-year-old journalist was imprisoned due to complaints from Ghalibaf and MP Mohsen Dehnavi over publishing "falsehoods, defamation, and threats."


Religious Minorities

Christian Convert in Iran Detained for 19 Days, Charges Unclear

June 14, 2024
1 min read
Christian Convert in Iran Detained for 19 Days, Charges Unclear