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Reformist Candidate Uses Protest Song for Campaign

June 18, 2024
1 min read
The song, "For...", composed by Shervin Hajipour during the Woman, Life, Freedom protests, became an anthem of the nationwide movement after going viral with tens of millions of views despite filtering restrictions
The song, "For...", composed by Shervin Hajipour during the Woman, Life, Freedom protests, became an anthem of the nationwide movement after going viral with tens of millions of views despite filtering restrictions

Reformist candidate Masoud Pezeshkian's presidential campaign sparked outrage on social media after he used a protest song in his promotional videos.

The song, "For...", composed by Shervin Hajipour during the Woman, Life, Freedom protests, became an anthem of the nationwide movement after going viral with tens of millions of views despite filtering restrictions. 

Hajipour was subsequently arrested and sentenced to prison on charges of "propaganda against the Islamic Republic" and "inciting disturbances" through the song.

Pezeshkian campaign's unilateral use of "For..." along with visuals quoting one of its verses drew intense criticism from Iranian social media users. 

Some demanded Hajipour publicly address whether he authorized his music's appropriation for election purposes. 

Others urged legal action if the artist did not grant permission for the song's use.



Iranian Woman Arrested After Protest

June 18, 2024
1 min read
Iranian Woman Arrested After Protest