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Iranian Student Dies After University Security Delays Medical Care

June 21, 2024
1 min read
Kimia Torkashvand was a fourth-semester architecture student at Boali University
Kimia Torkashvand was a fourth-semester architecture student at Boali University

A student at Boali University in Iran's Hamedan died on Thursday evening after reportedly taking pills in a dormitory. 

Kimia Torkashvand was a fourth-semester architecture student at Boali University.

Human rights website Henghaw reported that university security personnel prevented an ambulance from reaching Torkashvand for 40 minutes, significantly delaying critical medical care.

Sources said security forces expressed concerns over Torkashvand's attire, citing it as a reason to delay her transfer to the ambulance further. 

By the time she received medical attention, it was too late.

This incident has sparked outrage and renewed concerns about emergency medical access on Iranian campuses. 

The Amirkabir news channel drew parallels to two student deaths at Amirkabir University last year, which were also attributed to delayed emergency responses.

The motive behind Torkashvand's actions remains unclear. 

Reports suggest that university and security forces have cordoned off the dormitory, warning students against speaking to the media.




Ex-Iranian President Seeks Airtime to Counter Debate Accusations

June 21, 2024
1 min read
Ex-Iranian President Seeks Airtime to Counter Debate Accusations