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Ghalibaf to Stay in Presidential Race 'Until the End'

June 27, 2024
1 min read
In a statement posted on X, Ghalibaf expressed his determination to "stand until the end to form an efficient and revolutionary government"
In a statement posted on X, Ghalibaf expressed his determination to "stand until the end to form an efficient and revolutionary government"

Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf, the current speaker of Iran's parliament and presidential candidate, has reaffirmed his commitment to remain in the race following the withdrawal of two conservative candidates. 

In a statement posted on X, Ghalibaf expressed his determination to "stand until the end to form an efficient and revolutionary government."

The announcement comes in response to the recent exits of Alireza Zakani and Amirhossein Ghazizadeh Hashemi from the presidential elections. 

Zakani stepped down on Thursday, while Ghazizadeh Hashemi withdrew his candidacy on Wednesday.

Ghalibaf acknowledged the departing candidates' decisions, stating, "I thank the dear brothers Mr. Zakani and Mr. Ghazizadeh who accepted the demands of the revolutionary forces to create a coalition and unity." 

The withdrawals align with recent calls from fundamentalist activists urging candidates from their faction to step aside in favor of a single, unified candidate. 

This strategy aims to consolidate conservative support ahead of the upcoming election.



Iran Sets Up Voting Boxes on U.S.-Canada Border

June 27, 2024
1 min read
Iran Sets Up Voting Boxes on U.S.-Canada Border