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'They will repeat': Families of Protest Victims Denounce Iran's Election

June 27, 2024
Samaneh Ghadarkhan
2 min read
In the days leading up to the presidential elections, families of victims of the 2022 protests have been echoing a message with the hashtag "They will repeat."
In the days leading up to the presidential elections, families of victims of the 2022 protests have been echoing a message with the hashtag "They will repeat."
Milad Mohammadi, brother of Shahriar Mohammadi, a victim of the crackdown on the 2022 protests, expressed grave concerns over the intensified pressure on his mother, Mina Soltani
Milad Mohammadi, brother of Shahriar Mohammadi, a victim of the crackdown on the 2022 protests, expressed grave concerns over the intensified pressure on his mother, Mina Soltani

In the days leading up to the presidential elections, families of victims of the 2022 protests have been echoing a message with the hashtag "They will repeat."

They are urging the people of Iran not to participate in the election. 

Among those advocating for non-participation is Fatemeh Heydari, sister of Javad Heydari, who was killed during the protests of 2022.

She has been vocal on social media platforms, denouncing election participation with the hashtag.

Leila Mahdavi, mother of Siavash Mahmoudi, another victim of the crackdown on the 2022 protests, similarly voices her anguish and resolve against electoral participation, drawing attention to the profound personal losses endured by families like hers.

Laden Bazargan, sister of Bijan Bazargan, executed in 1989, also added her voice against the Islamic Republic, highlighting historical grievances and opposition to the Islamic Republic.

The situation surrounding the upcoming presidential elections in Iran has intensified with significant repercussions for activists and families of victims from past protests.

Civil activists and journalists advocating for a boycott of the elections have faced summons to the Evin Security Prosecutor's Office on charges of "propaganda against the Islamic Republic."

Narges Mohammadi, the imprisoned 2023 Nobel Peace Prize winner, has received an additional year of imprisonment for similar charges related to propaganda against the Islamic Republic.

Her lawyer, Mostafa Nili, highlighted the absurdity of accusing his client for urging election boycotts in a context where freedoms are severely restricted.

Milad Mohammadi, brother of Shahriar Mohammadi, a victim of the crackdown on the 2022 protests, expressed grave concerns over the intensified pressure on his mother, Mina Soltani.

She has been repeatedly contacted and threatened by security agencies due to her vocal opposition to election participation.

Milad Mohammadi shared these developments on social media, denouncing the harassment and psychological pressure inflicted on his family.

In explaining the "They will repeat" campaign, Milad Mohammadi emphasized that the repetition refers to the ongoing cycle of state violence and lack of meaningful reforms despite years of protests and demands for change.

He criticized the regime's attempts to portray electoral participation as widely supported, dismissing them as "orchestrated shows devoid of legitimacy."

Despite the threats and pressures, Mohammadi affirmed his family's resolve to continue their struggle for "justice and accountability."



Jalili, Ghalibaf Vow to Remain in Presidential Race

June 26, 2024
1 min read
Jalili, Ghalibaf Vow to Remain in Presidential Race