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Iran Sets Up Voting Boxes on U.S.-Canada Border

June 27, 2024
1 min read
Alireza Mahmoudi, the official responsible for overseeing Iran's overseas elections, has revealed plans to place voting boxes on the U.S.-Canada border in coordination with the Office of the Protection of Iran's Interests in Washington
Alireza Mahmoudi, the official responsible for overseeing Iran's overseas elections, has revealed plans to place voting boxes on the U.S.-Canada border in coordination with the Office of the Protection of Iran's Interests in Washington

Iran has announced unconventional voting arrangements for its citizens abroad, particularly in North America, following Canada's decision to disallow voting for the Islamic Republic on its soil.

Alireza Mahmoudi, the official responsible for overseeing Iran's overseas elections, has revealed plans to place voting boxes on the U.S.-Canada border in coordination with the Office of the Protection of Iran's Interests in Washington.

"Given that Friday is considered a working day abroad and many compatriots are working, the necessary arrangements for the start of the elections will be made at 8:00 a.m. local time," he said.

In another significant development, Mahmoudi confirmed that Saudi Arabia has agreed to allow voting by Iranians within its borders.

"Iranian pilgrims can vote in Jeddah and we are pursuing elections in Mecca and Medina," he said.

These measures come as Iran prepares for its 14th presidential election, scheduled for Friday.

However, despite these efforts to facilitate voting, recent official polls indicate that a majority of Iranians still do not intend to participate in the election.



Iran Readies Over 58,000 Polling Stations for Presidential Election

June 27, 2024
1 min read
Iran Readies Over 58,000 Polling Stations for Presidential Election