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Iran Bars Reformist Newspaper's Reporters from Election Coverage

June 28, 2024
1 min read
Iranian Ministry of Interior has denied press credentials to four journalists from Shargh, a prominent reformist newspaper, just hours after voting began in the country's presidential election
Iranian Ministry of Interior has denied press credentials to four journalists from Shargh, a prominent reformist newspaper, just hours after voting began in the country's presidential election

Iranian Ministry of Interior has denied press credentials to four journalists from Shargh, a prominent reformist newspaper, just hours after voting began in the country's presidential election. 

This decision, made without explanation, effectively bars these reporters from covering the election process at the Interior Ministry's election headquarters.

The ministry had issued journalists special "election coverage" cards well before the election. 

However, on the final day of the campaign period, officials abruptly canceled the credentials for reporters from both Shargh and Hammihan newspapers.

These press cards are crucial for journalists, allowing them access to the Interior Ministry's election headquarters during voting and vote-counting processes. 

Without these credentials, reporters cannot directly observe and report on key aspects of the election.

Sources told IranWire that the Interior Ministry did not provide a justification for this last-minute decision. 

The move has raised concerns about press freedom and transparency in Iran's electoral process.

Shargh's editor had earlier reported that the newspaper was attempting to regain permission for its reporters to access the election headquarters. 




Iran Election Faces Ballot Secrecy Issues, Technical Disruptions

June 28, 2024
1 min read
Iran Election Faces Ballot Secrecy Issues, Technical Disruptions