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Father of Slain Iranian Protester Transferred to Prison

May 16, 2024
1 min read
According to the HRANA human rights website, Kamal Lotfi has been denied the right to contact or meet his family since his arrest
According to the HRANA human rights website, Kamal Lotfi has been denied the right to contact or meet his family since his arrest

Kamal Lotfi, father of Reza Lotfi, a protester killed during the 2022 uprising, has been transferred to Kamiyaran prison.

According to the HRANA human rights website, Kamal Lotfi has been denied the right to contact or meet his family since his arrest.

A source close to Lotfi's family previously stated, "Despite persistent inquiries by Lotfi's family with security and judicial authorities, clear answers regarding this citizen's fate have been withheld. He suffers from a skin condition, further exacerbating concerns for his well-being."

Following a court ruling, Kamal Lotfi was summoned by the Revolutionary Court on April 9 and subsequently detained.

Reza Lotfi was one of the victims of the nationwide protests in Dehgolan city, a 25-year-old protester fatally shot during the "Women, Life, Freedom" demonstrations in September 2021.

The government is employing tactics to impede legal proceedings by pressuring plaintiffs' families, filing security charges, and imprisoning some relatives of the deceased.

Despite such pressure, these families remain steadfast in their determination to pursue justice through legal means, resisting government attempts to deter them.



Iranian Border Forces Kill Young Kolbar Amid Rising Violence

May 16, 2024
1 min read
Iranian Border Forces Kill Young Kolbar Amid Rising Violence