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Political Prisoners Moved to Solitary After Protesting Others' Transfers

May 27, 2024
1 min read
Zartosht Ahmadi-Ragheb, a political prisoner held in Ghezelhesar prison in Karaj, was sent to solitary confinement on Saturday after protesting the transfer of another political prisoner
Zartosht Ahmadi-Ragheb, a political prisoner held in Ghezelhesar prison in Karaj, was sent to solitary confinement on Saturday after protesting the transfer of another political prisoner

Zartosht Ahmadi-Ragheb, a political prisoner held in Ghezelhesar prison in Karaj, was sent to solitary confinement on Saturday after protesting the transfer of another political prisoner.

The Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA) reported that the Prison Disciplinary Council moved Ahmadi-Ragheb to solitary after he protested the transfer of political prisoner Ahmadreza Haeri to solitary confinement.

Ahmadreza Haeri, a human rights activist and political prisoner, had been transferred from Evin prison to Ghezelhesar prison along with other political prisoners. 

Haeri was placed in solitary confinement in Ward 3 of Ghezelhesar prison by order of the prison's General Director of Intelligence Protection. 

According to IranWire sources, Haeri's protest of the conditions of another political prisoner, Saman Yasin, led to his solitary confinement.

Zartasht Ahmadi-Ragheb is a firefighter and civil activist who has been repeatedly arrested and sentenced to long-term imprisonment. 

He was one of the signatories of the "14-person letter" calling for Ali Khamenei's resignation in 2019. 

In March 2023, he was arrested and beaten by IRGC intelligence forces while planning to participate in protests condemning the poisoning of students.




Iran Detains Five After Protest Against Environmental Damage

May 27, 2024
1 min read
Iran Detains Five After Protest Against Environmental Damage