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Political Prisoner with Health Issues Denied Medical Care in Iran Jail

May 30, 2024
1 min read
Ali Maghsadjoo, a political prisoner currently serving an 18-month sentence in Tehran's Evin prison, is being denied necessary medical care despite suffering from significant health problems, human rights sources reported
Ali Maghsadjoo, a political prisoner currently serving an 18-month sentence in Tehran's Evin prison, is being denied necessary medical care despite suffering from significant health problems, human rights sources reported

Ali Maghsadjoo, a political prisoner currently serving an 18-month sentence in Tehran's Evin prison, is being denied necessary medical care despite suffering from significant health problems, human rights sources reported. 

A source close to his family told HRANA, the Iranian Human Rights Activists News Agency, that Maghsadjoo requires treatment for back and knee issues that necessitate specialist attention from a hospital outside the prison. 

However, prison authorities have consistently refused to grant him access to such facilities.

Maghsadjoo was initially detained by security forces in July 2022 and held in the notorious Ward 209 of Evin Prison, a section managed by the Ministry of Intelligence. 

After three months of detention, he was charged with "propaganda against the Islamic Republic," "assembly and collusion against national security," and "collecting and leaking classified data." 

He was temporarily released on bail following these charges.

Judge Abolghasem Salavati at Branch 15 of the Revolutionary Court of Tehran later sentenced Maghsadjoo to two years in prison. 

The 48-year-old father of two ultimately received a reduced sentence of 18 months after pleading no contest. 

He began serving his sentence at Evin Prison in June 2023.



Iran Charges Sister of Slain Protester for Defying Hijab Rules

May 30, 2024
1 min read
Iran Charges Sister of Slain Protester for Defying Hijab Rules