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Ghezelhesar Inmate Assaulted After Exposing Abuse

May 30, 2024
1 min read
This incident followed the recent publication of a video by a group of inmates, including Khazaie, shedding light on the prison's oppressive conditions
This incident followed the recent publication of a video by a group of inmates, including Khazaie, shedding light on the prison's oppressive conditions

Reza Khazaie, an inmate at Ghezelhesar Prison, faced physical assault by prison guards and subsequent solitary confinement as punitive measures on Thursday.

This incident followed the recent publication of a video by a group of inmates, including Khazaie, shedding light on the prison's oppressive conditions.

A video recorded by the prisoners themselves shows a gathering in Ward 1, where they speak out against the officers' behavior.

"People are being taken from their cells and killed," one prisoner says in the video.

A source close to the prisoners elaborated, stating that officers frequently raid cells, searching belongings and destroying them with batons.

Khazaie, who is currently serving a 30-year sentence for drug-related offenses, became a target of retaliation after the video's release.

Reports indicate that prison guards subjected him to physical violence and then placed him in solitary confinement as punishment, according to HRANA, a human rights website.

The exact extent of his injuries remains unclear.



Political Prisoner with Health Issues Denied Medical Care in Iran Jail

May 30, 2024
1 min read
Political Prisoner with Health Issues Denied Medical Care in Iran Jail