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Kurdish Prisoner in Iran on Hunger Strike for 9 Days

June 17, 2024
1 min read
Haider Fatahi, a Kurdish citizen from the city of Marivan, has been on hunger strike for nine days since his arrest by security forces last week
Haider Fatahi, a Kurdish citizen from the city of Marivan, has been on hunger strike for nine days since his arrest by security forces last week

Haider Fatahi, a Kurdish citizen from the city of Marivan, has been on hunger strike for nine days since his arrest by security forces last week.

According to the human rights news agency HRANA, Fatahi is being held at the detention center of the Ministry of Intelligence in Marivan.

Fatahi, a married resident of Hazarkhani village, was arrested on June 8 by security forces without a court order. 

An informed source told HRANA that he has been accused of "collaborating with one of the Kurdish opposition parties."

Fatahi's hunger strike comes amid heightened security pressures on citizens, especially in the western Kurdish regions of Iran, as the country prepares for an early presidential election on June 28.



Jailed Iranian Activist Denies 'Spying for Israel' Charges

June 17, 2024
1 min read
Jailed Iranian Activist Denies 'Spying for Israel' Charges