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Society & Culture

Two Men Executed in Shiraz

January 19, 2015
Two Men Executed in Shiraz
Two Men Executed in Shiraz

Iran publicly executed two men in Shiraz in the early hours of January 17.

Residents gathered to witness the hanging of the two young men, carried out in one of the highly-populated areas in Shiraz. According to Khaleej-e Fars news agency, the two men forced their way into a house and raped a woman in 2011. 

The men were reported to have threatened the woman’s family, pressuring  them not to go to police. A criminal court issued death sentences following the trial.

Read the original article in Persian


Two Men Executed in Shiraz

Two Men Executed in Shiraz

Two Men Executed in Shiraz

Two Men Executed in Shiraz

Two Men Executed in Shiraz

Two Men Executed in Shiraz

Two Men Executed in Shiraz

Two Men Executed in Shiraz


Speaking of Iran

Geneva Talks, Nuclear Walks and Obama’s Ticking Clock

January 19, 2015
Speaking of Iran
Geneva Talks, Nuclear Walks and Obama’s Ticking Clock