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Speaking of Iran

Did Israel, Under the Shah, Help Start Iran’s Nuclear Program?

November 4, 2013
Speaking of Iran
1 min read
Did Israel, Under the Shah, Help Start Iran’s Nuclear Program?
Did Israel, Under the Shah, Help Start Iran’s Nuclear Program?



A new documentary recalls the ‘paradise in a bubble’ of Israelis in Iran before 1979. It also suggests they played an initial role in setting Iran on the nuclear path.

Sometime in the late 1970s, Yaakov Nimrodi, who served as military attaché in Israel’s unofficial embassy in Iran, hosted a number of high-ranking army officers at his Tehran home. Trying to impress his esteemed guests, Nimrodi asked his son Ofer to show them his skills on the piano. At first the child hesitated, but his father insisted, so he played a little bit. The Iranian generals loved the performance, and applauded heartily. Then Iran’s chief of staff, Gen. Fereydoun Djam, speaking in Persian, called little Ofer over to him.

Link to the article


Speaking of Iran

U.S. Jewish Leaders Won’t Campaign Publicly for Tougher Iran Sanctions for 60 Days

November 1, 2013
Speaking of Iran
U.S. Jewish Leaders Won’t Campaign Publicly for Tougher Iran Sanctions for 60 Days