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Speaking of Iran

Smooth Talking :The Case for Easing Sanctions on Iran

November 8, 2013
Speaking of Iran
Smooth Talking :The Case for Easing Sanctions on Iran
Smooth Talking :The Case for Easing Sanctions on Iran



As negotiations over Iran’s nuclear program resume in Geneva this week, observers and policymakers are sharply divided on the role of economic sanctions. Those who want to give negotiations a chance, including U.S. President Barack Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry, believe that the United States and its allies should be willing to ease sanctions in exchange for Iranian cooperation. Those who remain suspicious of Iran’s intentions, including many in Congress, maintain that the United States should double down on sanctions to force Iran to comply with its demands.

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Speaking of Iran

Inside the Treasury Department's War on Iran

November 8, 2013
Speaking of Iran
1 min read
Inside the Treasury Department's War on Iran