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Speaking of Iran

Iran and Saudi Arabia Clash Inside Syria Talks

November 5, 2015
Speaking of Iran
1 min read
Iran and Saudi Arabia Clash Inside Syria Talks
Iran and Saudi Arabia Clash Inside Syria Talks



Iran and Saudi Arabia clashed repeatedly last week inside the diplomatic talks on Syria, with Iran accusing Saudis of terrorism. Their tension threatened to end the new negotiations just as they began in Vienna on Friday.

Inside the nine-hour meeting, according to two Western officials briefed on it, Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif and Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir got into a heated argument, during which Zarif blamed Saudi Arabian nationals for the 9/11 attacks. The comments startled the participants, who included Secretary of State John Kerry, and the room went quiet after Zarif’s remark.


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Images of Iran

“Down with USA” is Here to Stay

November 5, 2015
“Down with USA” is Here to Stay