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Imprisoned Iranian Journalist Suffers Miscarriage After Court Session

June 12, 2024
1 min read
Saba Azarpeik, an imprisoned Iranian journalist, suffered a miscarriage and lost her two-month-old fetus after being taken from prison to the hospital due to heavy bleeding
Saba Azarpeik, an imprisoned Iranian journalist, suffered a miscarriage and lost her two-month-old fetus after being taken from prison to the hospital due to heavy bleeding

Saba Azarpeik, an imprisoned Iranian journalist, suffered a miscarriage and lost her two-month-old fetus after being taken from prison to the hospital due to heavy bleeding.

In a social media post on Wednesday, her husband Attaullah Hafezi said his wife had undergone a 9-hour court session on Tuesday before the miscarriage.

"Yesterday, my wife Saba Azarpeik was transferred from prison to the hospital due to heavy bleeding and lost her pregnancy this month," Hafezi wrote.

The 42-year-old journalist was imprisoned due to complaints from parliament speaker and presidential candidate Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf and MP Mohsen Dehnavi over publishing "falsehoods, defamation, and threats."

She had been sentenced to prison terms totaling 3 years.

Hafezi said a new notification had also been issued against his wife due to a complaint by Tehran's municipality organization, though he did not provide details.



Retired Teacher Denied Medical Care in Iranian Prison

June 12, 2024
1 min read
Retired Teacher Denied Medical Care in Iranian Prison