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Woman Violently Arrested for Hijab Violation

June 13, 2024
1 min read
In recent months, numerous reports have emerged of women being beaten, tasered, sexually harassed, and jailed for defying the hijab rules
In recent months, numerous reports have emerged of women being beaten, tasered, sexually harassed, and jailed for defying the hijab rules

A video circulating online shows the violent arrest of a young woman for not wearing a hijab at Behbahan National Park in Khuzestan province.

The footage, published Tuesday on social media, shows several hijab enforcers forcibly detaining the woman after she protested being forced to wear the mandatory headscarf.

In the video, the officers can be seen grabbing and pushing the woman, who resists their efforts. Toward the end, she is struck by one of the officers and falls to the ground.

Women's rights activists say the woman was then transferred to a Revolutionary Guard headquarters, where she was verbally abused before eventually being released.

The violent arrest comes amid an escalating crackdown on women for refusing to comply with strict hijab laws under the Noor Project, which was launched in April.

In recent months, numerous reports have emerged of women being beaten, tasered, sexually harassed, and jailed for defying the hijab rules.




Iran Executes Man for Drug Offenses

June 13, 2024
1 min read
Iran Executes Man for Drug Offenses