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Iranian Woman Arrested After Protest

June 18, 2024
1 min read
Maryam Mehrabi, the sister of death-row prisoner Mahmoud Mehrabi, was arrested on Tuesday during a raid on her home by the Iranian security forces
Maryam Mehrabi, the sister of death-row prisoner Mahmoud Mehrabi, was arrested on Tuesday during a raid on her home by the Iranian security forces

Maryam Mehrabi, the sister of death-row prisoner Mahmoud Mehrabi, was arrested on Tuesday during a raid on her home by the Iranian security forces.

IranWire sources reported that during the arrest, Revolutionary Guard intelligence agents confiscated all of Maryam Mehrabi's electronic devices and took her two young children into custody as well.

Her brother Mahmoud, from the city of Mobarakeh, has been held by the Revolutionary Guards since February 2023 on charges of "corruption on Earth" and faces execution.

Reports indicate the harsh sentence may be linked to his online protest activities and revelations about official corruption.

In the lead up to her arrest, Maryam Mehrabi had publicly protested her brother's death sentence, vowing to set herself on fire outside a local mosque if the ruling was not overturned.

She was likely targeted for her outspoken online activism challenging the judicial process.

The arrests come amid an intensifying crackdown on dissent by Iranian authorities following months of anti-government protests sparked by the death of Mahsa Amini in 2022. 

Thousands were detained, and several protesters have received death sentences from revolutionary courts on charges such as "waging war against God."


Religious Minorities

Iran Court Hands Christian Convert 15 Years in Prison

June 18, 2024
1 min read
Iran Court Hands Christian Convert 15 Years in Prison