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January 3, 2014
Mana Neyestani
1 min read

These cartoons were produced in response to a poster published on the website of Iran’s Supreme Leader. The poster, entitled “Unforgivable”, marks the four-year anniversary of organised pro-government rallies. The leadership has dubbed the day the “Epic of December 30”, a day when, according to government propaganda, Iranian people rose up and put an end to the “Sedition of 09”, referring to the aftermath of the disputed presidential elections and the Green Movement protests.

The poster depicts a file from a closed “Sedition of 09” court case, stamped with a large official seal declaring the judge’s verdict: “Unforgivable”. The bottom of the poster features Ayatollah Khamenei’s remarks on post-election troubles: “Even if we take a kind view of the agitators...and say that they had flawed ideas or illusions, their greatest sin was that they put forward these flawed ideas as a challenge to the Islamic system. This great sin cannot be tolerated. Its effects have remained with us in society.”


Society & Culture

Women Who Don't Want Babies

January 3, 2014
Sahar Bayati
7 min read
Women Who Don't Want Babies