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Iran Sends Message to US with Coastal Military Drills

January 21, 2021
Dana Saqbani
1 min read
Iran Sends Message to US with Coastal Military Drills

Iran has been holding military drills on the beaches of Makran, southeastern Iran, as part of what it has called the "Al-Qadr 99 Maneuvers."

Over the past month Iranian military personnel have used a set of drones, including the advanced Qods Mohajer UAV, to conduct a number of aerial reconnaissance operations within the area. This is according to Iran’s IRGC-linked Tasnim News Agency, which published photos of the training.

It came as on January 13 the Iranian Navy unveiled its largest ever military vessel, the forward base ship IRIS Makran, which is said to be able to carry up to five helicopters and joined the fleet along with another ship capable of firing missiles.

The country has also revealed the establishment of a large missile military base belonging to the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps on the Gulf coast.

These latest publicized maneuvers have come about during a period of heightened tensions with the US and are thought to be intended as a message to newly-anointed President Biden.

The exercises were overseen by Iranian Army commander Sayyed Abdolrahim Mousavi, as well as ground forces commander Geumarth Heydari.  Special Forces and rapid response teams also participated in the exercises, which were backed up by the army's air support on the coast of Makran.



No News of Women's Rights Activist Detained for 20 Days

January 21, 2021
No News of Women's Rights Activist Detained for 20 Days