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Four Afghans Killed and 11 Injured in Car Crash in Eastern Iran

August 27, 2021
1 min read
Four Afghans Killed and 11 Injured in Car Crash in Eastern Iran

Four Afghan citizens are understood to have been killed and 11 others injured in a car crash near the city of Jiroft in Kerman province, eastern Iran.

Peyman Saberian, head of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s emergency services, told Fars News Agency that the incident took place on the morning of Thursday, August 25, 10 kilometers down the Rudbar-Jiroft highway.

Due to the severity of the crash, Saberian added, all those injured had been taken to the Kahnouj and Imam Khomeini Hospitals in Jiroft for treatment.

The news agency reported that those hurt and killed were Afghan nationals. It didn’t specify whether these were migrants already living inside Iran, or refugees who had recently fled the tumult in Afghanistan.

The Islamic Republic announced its eastern border with Afghanistan was closed in the immediate aftermath of the Taliban’s takeover of Kabul. Some 3,000 would-be asylum seekers who tried to cross into Iran on the Zahak border in Sistan and Baluchestan province were reportedly blocked from crossing this week by border police.

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Iran's Dam Water Reserves Decrease by Half in a Year

August 27, 2021
1 min read
Iran's Dam Water Reserves Decrease by Half in a Year