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Journalism is not a Crime

Iranian Police Arrested Journalist Siavash Suleimani

October 1, 2022
1 min read
Iranian Police Arrested Journalist Siavash Suleimani

Members of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) arrested veteran journalist and environmental activist Siavash Suleimani in the northwestern city of Urmia on October 1, amid a crackdown on media workers.

The security forces raided Suleimani’s house and transferred him to an unknown location. 

Suleimani is the head of the Azerbaijan Madaniat Ojaghi Association and editor of the banned news website Chichest News. He is also a veteran of the Iran-Iraq war in the 1980s and the brother of one of those killed in this conflict.

Iran has been gripped by protests demanding more freedoms and women's rights since the September death of a 22-year-old Kurdish woman, Mahsa Amini, in the custody of Tehran’s morality police.

There have since been Internet blackouts across the country, restrictions on search engines, and interference in social media activity.

Journalists have been prevented from doing their jobs by their own editors as well as Islamic Republic officials.



How Iranian Authorities Use Ambulances for Arrests and Transporting Forces

October 1, 2022
Roghiyeh Rezaei
7 min read
How Iranian Authorities Use Ambulances for Arrests and Transporting Forces