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Fear Grows over Imminent Execution of Three Iranians Sentenced to Death

May 16, 2023
1 min read
The clip was re-broadcast on the evening of May 15 as the judiciary's Amnesty Commission announced that the chief prosecutor of Isfahan province is determined to proceed with the execution of the death sentences
The clip was re-broadcast on the evening of May 15 as the judiciary's Amnesty Commission announced that the chief prosecutor of Isfahan province is determined to proceed with the execution of the death sentences

Iranian state television has again broadcast a video showing the forced "confessions" of three Iranian men sentenced to death, intensifying fears among their families and human rights advocates about their imminent execution.

The clip was re-broadcast on the evening of May 15 as the judiciary's Amnesty Commission announced that the chief prosecutor of Isfahan province is determined to proceed with the execution of the death sentences.

Saleh Mirhashemi was twice sentenced to death, while Majid Kazemi and Saeed Yaghoubi were handed capital punishment and a 10-year prison sentence in relation to the death of three members of the paramilitary Basij force during protests in Isfahan on November 15, 2022. 

The Supreme Court upheld their convictions and death sentences earlier this month.

Human rights activists say the judicial process has been marred by torture and other gross rights violations.

The video showing the three men's "confessions" was previously broadcast on May 11 by state TV and the news headquarters of the Intelligence Organization of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps. 

Kazemi's sister, Somayeih, told Shargh newspaper that she and other family members were granted permission to meet with their loved one in the central Isfahan prison on May 14. She described the inmate's mood as positive, while expressing deep concern that the trio might be executed shortly.

She said that the Amnesty Commission informed the three families not to expect a pardon.

She pointed out that her brother's death sentence includes a provision that allows the judiciary's Pardon and Family Consent Commission to reduction his punishment.

But in a video released by the Basij news website on May 15, the mothers of the Basij members killed in the Isfahan protests said, "We never give our consent." 



Poll: Over 90 Percent of Iranians Have Considered Leaving the Country

May 16, 2023
1 min read
Poll: Over 90 Percent of Iranians Have Considered Leaving the Country