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Iranian Professor Banned from Teaching, Students Harassed

October 9, 2023
2 min read
Ali Sharifi Zarchi, a professor at Tehran’s Sharif University, is among the professors who have been critical of the security situation at the university while expressing support of last year's nationwide protests
Ali Sharifi Zarchi, a professor at Tehran’s Sharif University, is among the professors who have been critical of the security situation at the university while expressing support of last year's nationwide protests

Iranian universities, where many students and professors have supported the Woman, Life, Freedom protest movement, continue to face reprisals from security institutions.

Ali Sharifi Zarchi, a professor at Tehran’s Sharif University, is among the professors who have been critical of the security situation at the university while expressing support of last year's nationwide protests. 

Sharifi Zarchi first received a dismissal letter but the "Executive Board of Recruitment" reviewed his case after students and academic figures rallied behind the outspoken professor.

The professor announced the board’s decision on October 8, saying he had been "barred" from teaching at the university.

Separately, the student union councils of Iran reported the premature retirement of Samad Sabbagh Dehkharghani, a member of the Faculty of Sociology at Azad University in Tabriz.

According to the report, the university has refused to assign him courses and announced his early retirement.

Students are also facing illegal punishments.

According to the student union councils, Zahra Rahimi, a chemistry student at Yazd University who was exiled to Kerman by order of the Ministry of Science’s central committee, faces a new problem.

The report states that Kerman University refuses to admit her for this academic semester.

The university claims to be unaware of the ruling against Rahimi and that the ruling and the letter given to the student "are not valid by themselves." 

The student union councils strongly condemned the denial of Rahimi's right to education and the "tasteless and illegal process that she has been subjected to."

Meanwhile, the Telegram channel of the United Students of Iran reported the re-arrest of Arjang Mortazavi, a student at Tehran’s Kharazmi University, at his residence in Karaj on October 8. 

After searching his house and confiscating some of his personal belongings, they transferred him to an undisclosed location.

Mortazavi was previously arrested by security forces during last year's protests, and the Ministry of Science’s central committee banned him from studying for four and a half years.

Also, the Telegram channel of Amir Kabir Newsletter published a report on the inappropriate behavior of security forces toward a student at Amir Kabir University. 

The student reported that security forces stopped him at the entrance of the university, claiming his attire was "outrageous and unconventional."

"They questioned why his pants were torn, why they were so white, and if he was attending a wedding," the report said. 

The student also mentioned that security forces insisted he adhere to the banners installed in the university defining what "conventional" attire should be.



Flights at Hamburg Airport Suspended after Iran Plane Threat

October 9, 2023
1 min read
Flights at Hamburg Airport Suspended after Iran Plane Threat