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Exclusive: Iran Braces for Potential Domestic Unrest Amid Rising Tensions

April 13, 2024
1 min read
The Iranian Ministry of Intelligence has been holding special meetings to assess the potential for domestic "unrest" in the event of an Israeli attack on Iran, IranWire reports
The Iranian Ministry of Intelligence has been holding special meetings to assess the potential for domestic "unrest" in the event of an Israeli attack on Iran, IranWire reports
Retired intelligence officials participated in the Ministry of Intelligence's special meetings to analyze the potential domestic consequences of an Israeli military response
Retired intelligence officials participated in the Ministry of Intelligence's special meetings to analyze the potential domestic consequences of an Israeli military response

The Iranian Ministry of Intelligence has been holding special meetings to assess the potential for domestic "unrest" in the event of an Israeli attack on Iran, IranWire reports. 

Retired intelligence officials participated in the Ministry of Intelligence's special meetings to analyze the potential domestic consequences of an Israeli military response.

Members of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) are not attending the meetings, IranWire source said. 

These concerns arise from recent escalations in tensions, including direct threats by Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei against Israel. 

The likelihood of an Iranian attack on Israeli interests has increased in recent days. 

On April 1, an attack on the Iranian consulate in Damascus resulted in the deaths of seven Iranian military personnel, including senior commanders. 

Iran has blamed Israel for the attack, but Israel has not officially confirmed its involvement.

In response to the Damascus attack, Khamenei vowed to punish 'the evil regime.' 

Fears of a wider conflict have led several airlines to suspend flights to Iran. 

Additionally, the Dutch embassy in Tehran has been temporarily closed, and the French embassy has evacuated the families of its employees.



Germany Urges Citizens to Leave Iran

April 13, 2024
1 min read
Germany Urges Citizens to Leave Iran