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Kurdish Protester Tortured in Custody Tries to Commit Suicide

May 11, 2023
Hawari Yousefi
2 min read
On May 6, Nikpay was transferred to Fajr hospital after he attempted to take his life while in the custody of the Intelligence Department of Marivan
On May 6, Nikpay was transferred to Fajr hospital after he attempted to take his life while in the custody of the Intelligence Department of Marivan

Arvin Nikpay, a 20-year-old Kurdish man from the western town of Marivan, was subjected to three months of interrogation and torture following his arrest during protests on January 31, a source close to his family told IranWire.

On May 6, Nikpay was transferred to Fajr hospital after he attempted to take his life while in the custody of the Intelligence Department of Marivan.

His relatives tried to visit the young man in hospital, but security officers denied them access and quickly sent Nikpay back behind bars.

The source said that no charge has been announced against the inmate. 

"Despite repeated attempts by his family to contact the Sanandaj and Marivan Intelligence Department and the Prosecutor's Office for information regarding his case, their requests were consistently met with silence," the source said. 

"Security and judicial institutions refused to disclose the reason for Nikpay's arrest and the charges. Instead, they repeatedly promised temporary release, only to renege on their promises."  

During his detention, he was able to speak to his family in two short phone calls.

His relatives learned about his suicide attempt and his transfer to hospital by a family acquaintance who worked at the hospital and said the young man was in critical condition.

The source also said that the security forces prevented Nikpay from registering his profile at the hospital. 

When Nikpay family arrived, the agents interrupted his treatment and took him away. 

Meanwhile, his mother, Khancheh, was hospitalized for a few hours after she fainted due to a nervous breakdown.

The following day, family members gathered in front of the building of the Marivan Intelligence Department, the source said, adding that his harsh treatment by the security forces sparked public outrage in Marivan and the village of Ney.

In an effort to ease tensions, officials from the Intelligence Department allowed Khancheh to have a short meeting with her son. She said the meeting lasted less than 10 minutes and was attended by security officers.

According to Khancheh, her son was severely tortured and physically unbalanced. 

"He could not speak in the presence of the security forces, but he said he was fine and not to worry," the source quoted the mother as saying.

The family has threatened to call for a protest rally if Nikpay was not released. 

According to the source, the officials at the Marivan Intelligence Department promised Nikpay's father that he would be transferred to Marivan Central Prison shortly and would be released after all legal procedures are completed.



Iran’s Suicide Cases on the Rise amid Economic, Social Woes

May 11, 2023
2 min read
Iran’s Suicide Cases on the Rise amid Economic, Social Woes