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Commander Calls for Action as Mosques Close in Hamedan

February 18, 2015
2 min read
Commander Calls for Action as Mosques Close in Hamedan

A large percentage of mosques in Hamedan province are not fulfilling their roles as places of worship, according to the chief commander of the Revolutionary Guards.

Speaking to local officials at a meeting to discuss the Islamic notion of “Commanding the Right and Forbidding the Wrong” on February 15, Gholam Ali Abuhamzeh said, “65 to 70 percent of mosques in the province are closed. Only 30 to 35 percent of them open for prayers once or twice a day.” He said that some mosques did not broadcast Azan (the call to prayer), “despite begin fully equipped for this purpose.”

According to the official Guards website for the province, Abuhamzeh announced that there were 110,000 university students and members of scientific boards in Hamedan, but less than 7,000 seminary students. In his view, it was imperative that officials and educational institutes encouraged people to pursue religious studies and practice.

“Observing religious moral codes should be central to our culture,” he said, calling for schools and training centers to teach the principles of “Commanding the Right and Forbidding the Wrong”on a monthly basis to “enlighten minds.” “It is a task that should be followed up and we shall witness its effectiveness.”

Abuhamzeh said that one of the key problems was a reduction in the number of available clergymen to run the mosques. He said many mosques were in need of a board of directors to ensure they were run properly.

He also said that, in many cases, caretakers interfered with mosque affairs, and this could have an impact on its operations and opening times.

The commander also took the opportunity to comment on music concerts, which have been the source of much debate in recent weeks. “In contrast to what is claimed, we are not against happiness. But it is necessary to have a comprehensive assessment of musical programs to prevent the rise of any possible problems.”


Read the original article in Persian


Society & Culture

Nobel laureates speak out for Baha’is ahead of LA event

February 18, 2015
Saleem Vaillancourt
4 min read
Nobel laureates speak out for Baha’is ahead of LA event