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Society & Culture

Forced Confessions

October 6, 2015
58 min read
Forced Confessions
Forced Confessions

A group of Iranian MPs have urged Iran’s Justice Minister to release details of Jason Rezaian’s case to the public and to broadcast his so-called “confessions” on public television.

The Revolutionary Guards' Intelligence Unit obtained a forced confession from Jason Rezaian under duress in September 2014. An Iranian security official who withheld his name due to the sensitivity of the case told IranWire that the Guards pushed Rezaian to confess in order to “influence Iran's nuclear negotiations with Western powers, including the United States.”

Maziar Bahari’s 2012 film Forced Confessions pulls the mask off a regime that brutally extracts lies from its citizens – not criminals, but writers, journalists, and scholars. Bahari, who was forced to confess following his arrest in 2009, tells the story of the Iranian regime’s attempt to legitimize its rule through force. And, as the case of Jason Rezaian highlights, the regime continues to use this tactic to intimidate and isolate journalists for simply reporting the truth.

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Special Features

Iranian Women you Should Know: Katayoon Shahabi

October 6, 2015
4 min read
Iranian Women you Should Know: Katayoon Shahabi